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International Scholars Program Reflection

During my time as part of the International Scholars Program at the University of Florida, I was able to enrich myself culturally and professionally as a result of the many programs and opportunities available to me.  It is hard for me to even try and quantify all of my experiences; when I first came to the University of Florida, I intended to simply obtain my degree and leave. However, after taking various classes that enhanced my global view of the world, as well as learning about the International Scholars Program, my plans changed for the better.


As I began my first semester as an undergraduate student at the University of Florida, two of the first classes that I took were courses that gave me knowledge about cultures and places that were previously unknown to me (Myths of the Greeks and Romans, and Political Theory and Public Affairs). Learning about political theory and government in Latin American countries, as well as various myths and tales in Ancient Greece and Rome gave me a much better understanding of these areas in general. These classes were a good foundation for my future international coursework, which in the future would include Women and Politics in Politics and African Politics. Throughout my time at the University of Florida, I made it a goal of mine to take at least one international course a semester, as I would always (and still do) want to expose myself to the outside world as much as I could. Learning about the various ways that governance was conducted allowed me to really blend my interests in political science and politics into the greater global perspective. Overall, my international coursework allowed me to connect various ideas and perspectives, enhancing my knowledge of politics and policies with other countries. The University of Florida has been very helpful in that regard, giving me the opportunity to take all of these diverse classes that emphasize intersectionality and inclusion.


As a native Vietnamese speaker, I am bilingual, and with the resources provided to me at the University of Florida, I have been able to enhance my speaking and writing skills in my native language of Vietnamese. Being required to complete a language requirement as part of my major, I enrolled in an intermediate Vietnamese course and made lifelong friends in the class who also shared part of my culture. Though I only took that one course, I came to appreciate my roots and where I came from. In the summer of 2023, I visited my home country of Vietnam for the first time in more than a decade, spending almost a month reconnecting to my roots. I visited cities such as Saigon and Da Lat, where my parents were born. From the overnight busses to the 24/7 nightlife and attractions in the various cities I came to, this experience was truly once in a lifetime, opening my eyes up to the many wonders and intricacies of life outside the United States. 


Coming from Vietnam, I knew what it was like to have an education system that was not exactly as standard/up-to-par as those around the world. I knew that the United States, at least compared to many other countries, had an education system superior in many ways. This was one of the many reasons that I decided to intern with Children Beyond Our Borders, where I was able to help fight against educational disparities, especially in Latin American countries. As an intern, I was given the experience needed to help organize and participate in events that the non-profit organization took part in and hosted. As my first organization in which I was able to intern and be involved, I feel blessed that it was with such an organization that put such an inherent emphasis on helping out those less fortunate than us, as well as making that focus outside the United States. Without interning here, I wouldn't have been exposed to the many different policies and standards that I wouldn't have been aware of internationally.


My time at the University of Florida has not been without its ups and downs. At many times, I felt overworked and wasn't sure if I could go on as I had been doing. However, most of the time, the many resources and opportunities at UF were too good to pass up. The helpful advisors, professors, and overall faculty at UF have made my time here a pleasant one. To top it off, being part of the International Scholars Program reaffirmed by goals while I was here, ensuring that once I left, I would be leaving with much more knowledge of global perspectives and issues than when I came in. As I enter law school soon, I hope to apply my legal knowledge as best as possible, and with the help of the International Scholars Program, I know that the skills I learned here will be very beneficial in the future.

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