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Global Experiences

During my time in Vietnam, the various global and international classes taken at the University of Florida, as well as my time interning for Children Beyond Our Borders, I was able to connect with myself on a deeper level, as well as understand more globalized concepts and issues that are around the world today.

One of my greatest cultural experiences was visiting Vietnam in the Summer of 2023. Being there for almost a month and spending time connecting with my roots, I was given a much greater understanding of life outside the U.S. Connecting with native Vietnamese people, I was shown truly how life was different.


Global Coursework


Political Theory and Public Affairs
- Fall 2021

This class focused specifically on Latin American countries, with an excercises of applied political theory, with conceptual and normative analysis. With Latin American countries such as Argentina and Uruguay being the main focus of the class, I was able to focus more on this region, identifying causes and effects of political theory and the effects that certain systems have on populations.

African Politics
- Spring 2023

Similar to CPO4000, this class focused on African countries. However, more general concepts are the main point here. African Politics gave me a more holistic view of the many regime types and governmental practices that are prevalent in African countries. Issues of what works and what doesn't, as well as how certain countries came to be were important in realizing the history of politics and government in Africa. Countries such as Niger, Jamaica, South Africa, and others are studied to recognize different ways of governing.




Women and Politics in Africa
- Fall 2022

Focusing on women in power in Africa specifically, this class helped me gain a much deeper understanding of the various factors that help get women to positions of power, and what must be done to keep them in power. By focusing on African countries, the rest of the world can learn what works and what doesn't while also accounting for the many different perspectives that are present in the continent.

Democracy in the Global Perspective
- Fall 2023

This course focused on regime types and types of governing throughout the whole world. I was exposed to many dominant world theoretical approaches and well as comparative political methodologies that overall enhanced my knowledge of politics around the world. The many implications of various regime types are also emphasized, giving example of countries that could have had better regimes, as well as the potential for other forms of governing, such as the many types of democracy.

The University of Florida's

Vietnamese Student Organization (VSO)

As a member of the Vietnamese Student Organization, I have had the pleasure of interacting with people of various culture backgrounds, attending cultural shows and being given the chance to spread my cultural values and beliefs with those in the community.


Children Beyond Our Borders
Student Intern

As a student intern for the nonprofit organization Children Beyond Our Borders, I was able to do my part in helping eliminate barriers to education, specifically for children in Latin American countries. As I worked closely with many different departments of the organization, I learned about the many difficulties that children in these areas face, and what best ways to overcome them.


Given the tools to make a difference, I was able to raise awareness to the general public, as well as managed the PR side for the nonprofit. My work as an intern gave me firsthand experience into the struggles that the children beyond our borders face.

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